Cinemabaaki shortfilm: Review

Cinemabakki is a short film which is written and directed by Ronnie Manuel Joseph in a very different way. It is a reality-fiction short film. 
there is only few short-films are in this category.It is very difficult to convey a theme through this category to audience successfully. this short film shows the real talent of Ronnie Manuel Joseph.

The short film produced by Joshvin Joy under Amigos productions. This movie is released on you tube on July 31st 2014 and till now got more than 10K views(with 250 likes and 7 unlike's)
DOP is done by Bilu Tom Mathew and Original Background Score by Ajith Mathew.

Two brothers are the central characters of the short film. It starts with conversation between them while they are coming back after second show. We could understand that they are so much passionate about film through their conversation and they came to film without even telling their parents. On the way home they meets a crazy man , he acted very naturally and very nicely. the movie is taken in a way that will make us speechless at the end. 

watch here:

verdict: A must watch movie, small concept but executed brilliantly 

T/S Rating: 2.75/5
