M.Padmakumar and S.Suresh babu is holding hands with superstar Mohanlal after a long time with "KANAL". This trio is back again after the Malayalam movie SHIKKAR(2012) which was a hit of that time.
The movie is produced by Abraham Mathew under the banner of Abam movies. The other fascinating thing is that the duo Ouseppachan and Dr.Madhu Vasudev Is back again after NADAN(2013) to give us some good music. The camera work is handled by debutant Vinod Illayampalli.
The movie says the story of 2 People,John and David who lives in the hot desert and the story continuous by the things happening to them in a very thrilling way. John will be Mohanlal and the David will be a new generation hero that we can suggest.
This is a real story and the character John and David came from the life of a friend of scriptwriter.
This movie is expected to be a Christmas release of 2015.
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