The Malayalam actor Shine Tom Chako were caught in raid few weeks before and now the blood reports states that they haven't used cocaine.
He was caught few weeks before with asst.director Blessy and other 3 models named Tincy, Reshma and Sheha in a flat of Nisham (kings group) located in kadavantra Ernamkulam. They were in custody till now but now there comes a twist in blood report which have been taken in kakkanad medical laboratory.
Even though the Kerala police is in confusion because the Delhi police is more concentrating in this case by again investigating 2 things, whether to check the police caught was cocaine and to ensure the victims have used those drugs.
One question still remains is that is our police and government making fool of us by just telling a rumor on them or they both fooling us by changing the reports by giving money to the officials.
All that we can do is that to get out of the box and investigate by our own or to pray god that the criminals must be punished soon.
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