Malayalam movie with a long list of star casting including Pritviraj Sukumaran, Sunny Wayne, Indrajith, Asif Ali, Arya(Tamil actor), Swathi Reddy, Rachana Narayanankutty and Isha Sharvani named Double Barrel written and directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery (LJP) is almost set to release on April 2015.
The movie is produced by Pritviraj, santhosh shivan, and Shaji Nadesan under the banner of August Cinema and also a production house Amen Movie Monastery supported by LJP and the movie is distributed by August Cinema, PJ Entertainments (Europe) and Popcorn Entertainments (Australia & New Zealand).
The music is composed by Prashant Pillai and cinematography done by Abhinandan Ramanujan which both of them worked with the super hit malayalam movie Amen(2013). Also Production design is done by Jayashree Lakshminarayanan.
This movie is also known as "Iratta Kuzhal"(Malayalam word for double barrel) will be a fun filled light-hearted comedy entertainer cum thriller says the director.
Both the brothers Pritviraj(as puncho) and Indrajith(as vinci) will be holding the hands after a long gap , Fahad Fazil were first made to be a part of it, later he himself walked out of the project and Arya was replaced on that role. The movie will be very much related to the culture of Goa which is captured in Goa and Cochin.
Pearle Maaney, Yahiya, Vijay Babu, Chemban Vinod Jose and the director Anil Radhakrishnan Menon will be also a part of it. The production of the movie were started in the early June.
Hope this will be a super hit and a great treat for the audience.
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