‘Bulsai’ is a Malayalam short film scripted and directed by Sony Paul. Cinematography done by a team Aneesh Babu, Vidhun Babu and Manoj. Editing handled by Ananthu Vijay. Roy rappai, Saji Varghese, Santo Thomas gave full support for making of this short film.
'Bulsai' is a well-executed
simply superb short film. Cinematography team did a great work. It shows Sony
Paul has a great future in this field. The actors have
all done justice to their roles and selection of locations are perfect.
“This film (Journey) is inspired from my personal experience
and I thought to share it with you guys. We took all efforts to get you a good
experience as a feature film” says director.
The film starting from a school
compound and an untold love story of guy. And now he is looking for a
settled life but because of some reasons it is not fixed even after 6-7
proposal. He has a good friend with him all time and they are used to roam
together. The introduction part of ‘Fahad Fazil’ give us some giggles. And it
is end up with a very good climax.
Climax and cinematography is
the main plus point of this film.
Negative part of the film is
dubbing, it has some flaws.
'Bulsai' just uploaded to YouTube
on 20th January 2015. And it cross 25k views with in just 15 days. Bulsai
bags more than 350 likes and some fabulous comments.
You can see the short film
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