‘Compartment’ stopped the play, re-release in May

“I did the film for viewers, now it is the time for exams so people are not able to come to theatres with children. So here we are closed the show in theatres temporarily. And it will re-release in May” the Director Saleem Kumar said to press club. Veteran actor Saleem Kumar turns to director through this film.

“Even government theaters did not support these kind of films. It allows only two shows in Trivandrum, Kozhikkode and Trissur Government theatres. Now these theatres too running behind money only, so they are not allowing Malayalam films firstly. I had been sent letters to all special schools in kerala that inviting to this film, But I got only two replies. And I dedicated this film to parents of differently abled children, sadly even from there I did not get a good reaction. I will not apply to tax reduction for this film.” Said Saleem Kumar.

Compartment was the film about differently abled children.

